Hello! I'm Angel.

I'm a Systems engineering student at National University of Colombia and Jr Front-End developer.

Angel Profile Picture


Who am I?

I'm Angel, a software developer based in Bogotá, Colombia. I have experience working with JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, NextJS, HTML, CSS, Git and Github. I'm currently learning database management and back-end development using NodeJs, Express, MongoDB and MySQL. I'm familiar with agile development methodologies such as SCRUM.

When I'm not coding, I like playing videogames like Valorant, watching anime (I'm currently watching One Piece), and reading books. The last one I read was Nause by Jean-Paul Sartre.

My Stack

    • file_type_tailwind
    • React Logo
    • file_type_vite
    • file_type_python



National University of Colombia

I'm currently studying Systems and Computing Engineering at the National University of Colombia. I'm in 8th semester and xpect to graduate in 2025.



TiUN is the non-official website of the National University of Colombia's marketplace. This project was developed using NextJs, Typescript, TailwindCSS and deployed on Vercel.

The main features were: profile creation, authentication, products CRUD, global dark mode using custom hooks and context, add to cart, add to favorites and MercadoPago integration.



I'm currently looking for new opportunities, so my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you! You can reach me at the links below.